Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Let Me Count the Ways

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned it before, but I'll say it again: This summer has been perfect.  Here's all the ways I have fallen in love with Summer 2010:

1.  The Weather.  Yes, it's been hot.  IT'S SUMMER!  Honestly, something I can't get over (or what some would call a pet peeve) is when someone complains (namely a weather person on the news) about weather that is totally typical of the season we are in.  It's July, it should be hot.  The sun should be shining A LOT.  In January, it should be ice cold.  The End.

This summer has been quite perfect weather wise.  We have had long stretches of warm/hot days, and then just when we think we might not be able to take it anymore, and this hot weather lovin' gal is just about to say, "DANG!  It's down right hot out here!" we get a reprieve.  A day of clouds and sprinkles.  Maybe a day of just plain rain.  Then, we ramp right back up to where we should be temp wise for the summer.  We've had a few of these cycles, and I love it.  I would say it's perfect.  It has given us a chance to catch up on some movies, TV shows, book reading, *ehem* blogging, etc.  As it warms back up again, we head back out and enjoy the gorgeousness that is summer.

And we are all well rested and ready to take it on.

2.  My kids.  I know I have said this too, but they are in a honeymoon phase that just gets sweeter each day.  I cannot get enough of my kids lovin' on one another and being BFF's 4 eva.  I don't know what is different about this summer versus other times in the past year, but I have a feeling, that like all good things, it will come to an end.  I am also quite certain that the beginning of school will bring this end. 


3.  Bible Study.  I decided at the beginning of the summer it would be a good idea to do a Bible study with the kids each morning.  That quickly turned into about once or twice a week.  Even so, it has been fun.  As I go through the verses that we have covered this summer I smile.  How can you not be happy with, "In every way be an example of doing good deeds." -Titus 2:7, or "He will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths."- Isaiah 2:3.

Good stuff.

And it looks even better in my kids' own handwriting.

4. Flip Flops.  They are my favorite kind of shoes.  I got three new pairs this year, and each one I love way too much.  These here I have in two colors, black and hot pink/magenta.  Lovely.  The arch support and squishy-ness is perfect.  Many days I put them on when I wake up and don't take them off again until I go to bed because I simply forget I have them on.

These one's right here have a nickname: Happiness.  Two reasons: 1) I bought them in Hawaii, and really is there much more to say about that?  2) When you put these babies on, if feet could smile, they would.  They are made out of recycled yoga mats.  Squishy doesn't even begin to describe these little gifts from Heaven.  They are DEVINE. 

Little happy pillows for your feet.

5.  Ice cream,  ice pops,  root beer floats, milk shakes, and malts. 

Enough said.

6.  While we are talking about food, the garden is doing pretty well.  I only say pretty well because I was hoping for the peppers to do better, as in years past.  Especially with all the warm sun we've had this summer.  I can't figure it out.  Despite the peppers, we have eaten out of our garden already, and will be having round two off our snap pea plants this week.  Yum.

7.  I have successfully kept my hanging pots of flowers alive this year.

8.  Somehow I am enjoying this summer without having to be at the pool everyday.  Since the ol' skin cancer incident, I am trying really hard to be good to my skin.  While we do enjoy a day at the pool about once a week, I am at peace with not needing to be there every day.  It feels good to do other things.  I feel like we have been able to enjoy many other activities this summer because we (I) haven't been so obsessed with hitting the pool. 

There is life beyond those pool gates.

9.  Not having a full calendar.  It has been great not having something to do every. single. day.  Yes, we have had weeks where I was wondering when I would catch my breath, but there have also been a handful of weeks like this one, where  I have ONE THING written down for the next seven days.  *Take a deep breath...aaahhh....exhale*

10.  We have not watched one Dora, Diego, Backyardigans, or Wonder Pets episode ALL SUMMER.  Before you start sweating profusely at the thought that we have given up TV, take a deep breath, we just switched channels.  We are now big fans of PBS.  There are all sorts of new shows there.  Also, besides being new (at least to my kids), they are also more age appropriate, which means that they engage my kids for *ahem* the time I need.  Lastly, there are no commercials.  Good stuff.

Strangely enough, this has made my summer better.  I had no idea how much I was starting to not like the old shows.  This switch up has been down right refreshing.  Also, just recently, they added PBS Kids Go! to our On Demand selections.  That means we can watch our favorite PBS kids shows anytime.


So for those of you who are counting down the days until school starts, and have the feeling that they should share this type of info with me, STEER CLEAR.

I don't want to know.

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