Monday, November 2, 2009

Big Boy Love

The Little Man and I were discussing his birthday. You know, the one coming up in EIGHT MONTHS!!

You can never be too prepared.

I was trying to tease him by telling him that they were going to cancel his birthday this year and he would have to just stay four for one more year. Of course, he FREAKED out.

I guess that it wasn't that funny of a joke to him.

p: Why would they cancel my birthday?!
me: Because, you need to stay four. You can't turn five
p: Why!?!
me: Because I need you to stay four forever.
p: Why? I want to be five.
me: Because then you'll be a big boy, and I want you to stay a baby boy.
p: (coming towards me with a slight grin and wrapping his arms around me) Don't worry mom, even if I am a big boy, I'll still snuggle you.

Now that's a boy who knows what his momma needs.

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