Saturday, June 29, 2013

Can I Get a Re-Do of Day One?

As eager as I was to "officially" start my summer vacay, it seems to be delayed once again.  My ear has been bugging me for about a year now.  I thought it was from all the swimming I was doing in preparation for my triathlon last summer.  However, over the winter it never really cleared up.  It kept feeling better then flaring up again, then feeling better only to flare up even worse than the last flare up.  Typical for me, these days, I just kept putting it off.  Swearing at  each flare up, I was going to call a doctor the next day.  Only to wake up the next morning and forget, become too busy, or just feel better. 

In May it was getting pretty bad.  The problem was two fold: I actually didn't have a primary care doctor, and hadn't had one in years, and I really didn't have the time to go to a doctor.  Fast forward to our recent trip, where the kids, my parents, and I went to visit my grandma, who lives in South Dakota, and I was back in a bad place with my ear.  I mean bad.  I decided right then and there, when I got home I was going to call the doctor my mom sees, and I was getting this thing taken care of. 

Thankfully, this time I held true to my word.  As soon as I got home on Wednesday, I made an appointment for that Friday.  That Wednesday night, I noticed that my ear was really starting to hurt down into my jaw.  The next morning I realized what I thought was bad was actually just a small foretaste of what was to come. 

Good grief! I had no idea how painful ear infections could be.  I'm also irritated to be plagued with an ailment that is usually reserved for infants and toddlers.  Also, I'm now in a spot where I can start enjoying my summer break schedule wise, but now I can't. 

I'm thankful for finding a doctor, and I'm thankful for medications.  Now I'm just praying that the antibiotics kick in quick, and I can be back in action soon.

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