Friday, December 23, 2011

Turns Out, There Were Reasons To Get Out of Our Jammies

While it was the goal of both kids to never leave the house or their pajamas until Christmas day, other stuff has drawn them into the "Land of the Living". 

Much to their chagrin, the kids needed to leave the house a few times in order to do our advent activities. 

I know.  I must be the meanest mom on the planet, right?  I mean, I MADE them get dressed so they could pass out meal coupons to the homeless, go the library and bring treats to the librarians, pass out Christmas goodies to our neighbors, and bring a donation to our local food bank. 

Horrible.  Just horrible.  I guess they could have done all of those things in their PJ's. 

However, The Little Man got the fun opportunity to do something he's been wanting to do for a little while now.  The Hubs took him up for some snowboarding on Wednesday.  He took a lesson for the whole day, while The Hubs watched (The Hubs was supposed to also go boarding, but his boots were not fitting properly, thus he sat and watched the lesson.).  After hearing about how much fun it was to watch The Little Man, I was a little sad that I missed it.  Instead, The Girl and I spent a day together doing some girly type stuff.  We planned holiday menus, made lists, ate out for lunch, got a pedicure, and watched a movie.  So all in all, I think we had a great time too.  All four of us met up later at a Mexican restaurant, and shared our days with one another.  Fun was had by all, and not one of us was in our pajamas. 

Turns out snowboarding is way more fun in snow pants, a hat, some boots, a coat, and some gloves.

Yesterday, we had quite the little snow storm.  It dumped about eleven inches of the white stuff.  So, right after breakfast, both kids were anxious to get out into it and play.  PJ's don't really work for that either. 

Funny, no one complained.

After an hour or so, they were ready to come inside, and warm up.  They were ready to get back into those jammies for the rest of the day.  Off goes the coats, hats, mittens, boots, and then the snow pants.  That's when The Little Man stopped.

p: Oooops.
me: What's the problem?  Did you rip the pants?  Are they stuck?
p: No.  I just need to go to my room to finish changing.
me: No.  Please don't.  I'd rather all the cold snow stay down stairs on this towel.  It makes it much easier to clean up.
p: I can't.
me: Why?
p: I don't have any pants on.
me: What? What does that mean, you "Don't have any pants on?"
p: It means I am just in my undies under here.
me: What?  You are just in your underwear under there?
p: Yes.
me: You mean you went outside in the freezing cold snow with no pants on except for your snow pants?
p: Yes.  I didn't want to get dressed today, Mama.  So I'm kinda naked under here.

Sure enough, there were no clothes under those snow pants.


Thankfully, his father was with him snowboarding.  Lunch would have been pretty embarrassing if we would've let him dress himself.

The lengths he will go to avoid getting dressed for the day.

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