Thursday, June 24, 2010

All Sorts of Random

I can't tie all of what I am going to write about into one single theme, or even pretend like they go together.  It's all totally random, no theme, no reason, just crazy and melded all together.

It's my life.

Just go with it.

Father's Day this year was low-key, but nice.  I had envisioned this weekend where we all did whatever The Hubs wanted to do, without complaint.  Even if he wanted to be alone, or take us all do to something we would rather not, no one was going to complain.  Of course, we did have some weekend chores that needed to be attended to, but I had also planned on doing the lion's share of those for him as well.


Until the doorbell rang.

Apparently, I had a photo shoot on Saturday morning.  I had no clue.  None.  So that was an awesome way to get the day started.  This left poor hubs scrambling to get The Little Man, The Girl, and himself to baseball with all that was needed to play, re-hydrated, and be properly dressed/equipped.  As if that wasn't bad enough, after he got there, he realized that this particular Saturday was also picture day.  Sorry, to all the parents out there that got the team portrait.  The ONE AND ONLY child without the proper uniform is mine.  It's not his fault or his father's fault.  It's mine.  Oops, and sorry.

On Sunday we all headed to the movies to take in Toy Story 3 in 3-D. (What is up with everything being in 3-D these days?  I mean really, some movies I get, others I don't, and frankly, those glasses?  Not the coolest or most comfortable.)  It's just like The Hubs to go see something that the kids were dying to see on a day when he could have done/seen anything he wanted.  The movie, by the way, was really, really good.  Save your dollars and bypass the 3-D thing, though.  It's totally unnecessary.

I had some small surgery done on Tuesday.  A few weeks back the doctors found some skin cancer.  While I shouldn't have been surprised in the least, I was a little shocked.  Thankfully, it wasn't Melanoma, but instead a Basal Cell.  This means that they had to cut it out and suture it back together after making sure they got all of it out.  Unfortunately, it was on my face.  So for the rest of the week I am sporting a pretty cute band aid  and a fat lip.  The doctor also said it was a pretty aggressive type of Basal Cell, and while he thought I was pretty young to have such a spot, he also said he was happy that we caught it very early.

Lesson learned:  GO TO YOUR DERMATOLOGIST.   Even if you are good about sunscreen, or have only a few moles.  Maybe no one in your entire family has ever had skin cancer.  SO WHAT!  Cancer doesn't care.  At least get a baseline assessment done, that way when you think something might be changing or looking a little different, you have something previous to base it off of.

Second lesson:  PUT ON SUNSCREEN ALL. THE. TIME.  If your a mommy, don't forget those babies.  Most of skin cancer comes from damage that has happened early in life.  Actually, I should say, if your a mommy, don't forget yourself!  Lots of times, and I am totally guilty of this, we slather up our babes and totally forget ourselves.

Lastly, my project of the week: cleaning closets.  Namely, my own.  It's bad, you guys.  However, I did come out on the other side of things.  WOW!  I am pretty good about going through my clothing about every 9 months or so, but the shelves (you know, where I shove stuff that I don't know what to do with) in my closet are another story.  Besides putting things there that I am not sure what to do with, I think I also put stuff there that I just wanted to pretend never happened.  Hello, several pairs of WHITE PANTYHOSE.


When and why?

Rest assured, they have been properly stored in the trash can.

Along with some horrible weird different choices in purses and hats.

I'm not even sure what the Goodwill will do with them.  I imagine they will find a home somewhere.

Next up:  Birthday Party Prep.  We convinced The Little Man to hold his birthday party a few weeks later than his actual birthday in attempts to be able to have more enjoyable weather.  June is just too quirky and hard to read in these parts.  One day it's close to 100 degrees, and the next we can barely get out of the fifties.  Thankfully, he agreed, and it looks like we will have some nice weather for his pool/bounce house party.

If I am not too busy applying and re-applying sunscreen, I may be able to take a few pics.

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