Friday, October 21, 2011

Proud Mommy Moments

We are currently on the very last day of our glorious Fall Break.  Like all breaks from school, I have loved every second of our unplanned, no lunch packing, no snack bringing, no homework doing, no early rising week.  Glorious, I tell you.  Glorious.

Over the last few weeks, I have had some "Proud Mommy Moments".  So if you hate moms who brag on their kids, come back another day.  If you are my kids, and you are some age that is far away from eight or six and reading this, well, I just want you to know that I revel in all of your small victories.  I love each and every one of them!

1.  Both kids had parent-teacher conferences a few weeks ago, and both kids did/and are doing so amazingly well that both The Hubs and I left with huge smiles on our faces and in our hearts.  It took everything I had in me not to leave from there and tell everyone I came across how awesome both my kids are doing in school, with all the details to prove it.  Such a great way to start off the school year, and for The Little Man, his school career.

2. Along with number one, I just loved this assignment (for so many reasons) that The Little Man turned in for his "Fall Project":
He decorated the pumpkin and wrote the description all by himself.  If you can't read it, it says, "My pumpkin is Harry Potter (oh, how I love that he chose Harry!).  He has a wond.  He duz magick." Is everything spelled correctly? No.  But for only six weeks into Kindergarten, I have to say, I think I might be raising a genius.


OK.  I might be half joking. But only half.

3.  While on Fall Break, The Girl has become a little scooter girl.  I mean, she is borrowing a Razor scooter from her cousin, and has been scootering (I might have just made that word up) all over the neighborhood.  I know that this doesn't sound like a very big deal to many (if any at all), but this is the same girl who does NOTHING athletic at all.  She collects bugs (and knows everything about each kind), reads, and cares for small animals and insects like no one's business, but raising her heart rate?  Um, no.  That's not usually on her agenda.  So, needless to say, for her to go out and ride around the neighborhood and join me in walking the dog (while she rides her scooter), has been a pretty large break through.  As she was riding in front of me today on our walk, I was so happy to see her doing something "exercise like" and enjoying it, that my heart was just full of happiness.  (On a side note: While The Girl never participates in sports or activities requiring any sort of stamina at all, somehow she is one of the fastest girls in her grade.  How does that happen?  So odd.)

4.  The Little Man decided he was going to write a book.  After he got started The Girl decided she would join in and help him.  The book's title is: Harry and Ron's ABC's.  Between the two kids, they have come up with words/names/spells from the seven Harry Potter books for each letter of the alphabet.  Pride doesn't quite describe the feelings I had when I saw their list of words.  Each letter (yes, even "X") had at least one reference to the books, some letters have several.  Can't wait to see if they finish this project with their own drawings.  

Harry Potter nerds are we!

5.  Lastly, I was over the top proud of The Little Man earlier this week.  As Fall Break began, he awoke on Saturday morning, and said, "This is the beginning of our nine day weekend!  Woohoo!  I'm going to wear cozy pants every. Single. Day!"

That's my boy. 

I can say, he hasn't missed a single day.

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