Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Night Before

I know I should be posting about many other things in order to catch up for my over two week absence, but tonight won't be the night for that. 

No, tonight is the night before the new school year starts.  The Eve of the new school year, if you will.  I've got one who is excited to get back into routine, and one that isn't so sure about it.  Myself?  I could go either way. 

I'm never too excited to start a new school year.  Many reasons keep me from feeling happy about my kids going back to school, but mostly it's sad to say goodbye to summer and all of her delicious glory.  No schedules, no bedtimes, and no rules.  Her warmth.  (That's huge for me.)  While I'm sure we still have some mighty nice days ahead of us before the cold hits us like a cruel sucker punch, the start of school reminds us of how few of those glorious days we have left.  Also, I really like having my kids around.  I know.  Many mom's are groaning at me right now.  I can't help it.  So, I will miss them.  Now, when the house is super still and quiet in the middle of the day, and I am loving me some uninterrupted time doing whatever it is I'm doing, well, I guess someone might need to remind me of how I thought I was going to miss having them around all the time. 

I'll deny I ever said that.

No, this summer has been really good.  I mean really, really good.  Like probably the best summer I've had as a mom.  I am in love with were we are at in our lives right now.  The kids are super easy (that does not mean I don't break up arguments, dole out punishments for poor choices, or never see an eye roll).  No diapers, no naps, they still think I'm pretty cool (which will probably come to a screeching halt shortly), and neither are too rebellious (I know.  It's coming.).  We had some great times together as a family this summer, and after this winter, we were desperate for some good times together.  You could say the summer has been a bit "therapeutic". 

However, there is a part of me that knows I shouldn't be too greedy.  I know all good things must come to an end.  Frankly, I'd rather have this one end on my terms, and on a good note.  I don't want to end this with a bad taste in any one's mouth. I want to be able to remember this wonderfully long summer with such fondness that my heart feels like it might burst, it swells with so much joy.  So, with that, I'm feeling at peace with school starting tomorrow.  I know that this summer was a very gracious gift to our family, and I am very thankful for it.

As we got the kids in bed, one was excited, and the other had tears.  We prayed and thanked God for a new school year and how excited we were, and we cried and asked that God would give us peace where fear seems to have taken over.  Then I finished our prayer with a thankful heart. 

Lord, I thank you for this summer.  It was such a gift to our family.  Thank you for knowing our needs and abundantly providing them for us.  Thank you for all of the good memories you allowed us to make.  Thank you for opening a new chapter for us.  As we continue into another new school year we ask that you would help us to always remember your generous and compassionate gift.  Allow it to encourage us in remembering how much you care for, love, and provide for our family. --Amen.

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