Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Welcome New Family Members

Well, she did it. (See #5).

She earned herself some goldfish by proving she was responsible enough to be a pet owner.

This is Midnight:

(Who belongs to The Girl)

And that's Calico, or Cali for short (She/He belongs to The Little Man who incidentally did NOTHING to earn a fish, but rode into the pet store on the coat tails of his older sister. Ah, being the youngest. Must be nice.)

I guess I am OK with The Little Man also having a fish, even though he has yet to prove he can do anything to care for another living creature, because it buys me this:

And a bit of that:

ALL NIGHT LONG...and for just $4.99 to boot!

I'll take two please.

As The Little Man says: "Now we have THREE animals to love!"

Mmm Hm.

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