I'm back!
OK, I've been back for almost a whole week, but we were welcomed home with a stomach virus that has had a mean hold on The Girl. She's been miserable, but I think she made some headway today. Unfortunately, my children are unaware that a 24 hour stomach flu actually exists. When one of them gets the bug, they will have it for an average of about four days (Remember The Girl suffering for TWO WEEKS last year!). This one has been no different. I just hope that day five is the last day we have this unwelcomed visitor. On a positive note, this is the first bug she's had since that dreaded virus last year. That makes 15 months stomach virus free which is the longest she's ever gone IN HER LIFE. Strong stomachs are NOT what my kids are known for.
Can I just say one last thing before about this before I talk about Cancun? I just have to say, while dealing with this bump in the road this week, it was made very clear to me just how much healing in this area the Lord has given me. Now, I am not going to say that I was not neurotic about some things, but curled up in a ball, crying, and shaking? Not so much. On my knees a few times? Most definitely. However, being on my knees isn't such a bad place to be. Only the Lord can bring healing like this, and I found such comfort and joy being able to reflect on this "
This Far" moment.
It was wonderful. The End.
Just kidding.
It was wonderful though. It was also surreal to be away from my babes
with The Hubs for that long. I am glad I got a chance to have a trial run before the big get away coming soon, in which I will leave them for DOUBLE the time I was in Cancun. Not only did it prepare me for leaving my kids under the care of someone else, but it also prepared me for something else very unexpected.
My hair.
I know. Totally superficial.
Here's the deal: In our climate of approximately 9% humidity, I can deal with my somewhat curly but mostly frizzy hair with a blow dryer and a round brush, a flat iron, and some hair spray. This "do" will last me a good two days (and sometimes I push it three...don't judge). While visiting a more tropical climate, I found that my normal hair styling routine was a total bust.
Remember that "Friends" episode when the gang visited Barbados? Well let's just say, Monica and I had a little something in common.
Watch this clip. Our common ground WASN'T her love for ping pong, and it has nothing to do with competitive nature. No, what makes this clip hit close to home is the hair.
That was me.
Everyday, from the time we landed until we left, it got larger and larger. The frizz was totally out of control. I have often wondered why people used frizz serum. It just seems so heavy. Now I know. Thankfully, I did bring along many hair ties, headbands, and bobby pins. I know it didn't solve the problem completely, but it helped a little. For the record, I did consider
this option, but only for a mere few seconds.
Now I know, when I take the next trip, which will also be in a tropical climate, that a girl cannot live on just headbands, hair ties, and bobby pins alone. Oh no! I will also be packing a frizz serum of some sorts, and possibly some sort of curl enhancing type product (recommendations from my fellow curly/frizzy haired girl friends are much appreciated). In order to make room in the suite case for this, I will be leaving the flat iron behind. Because, honestly? That thing was totally useless. It's only success was turning my hair into what looked like a piece of lint sitting on my head. Personally, I found the wild curly mane a tiny bit more attractive.
Thankfully, on the next trip, the pressure to look my best will be substantially less as it will be just The Hubs and I, as well as very close family, who have totally seen me way worse than Frizz Girl and they still love me.
I can hardly wait.