Thursday, October 18, 2012


As we continue to enjoy Fall Break, the kids are getting rather used to waking up, eating breakfast, and then promptly turning on the Wii, at leisure.   Today, The Little Man, was getting a little cranky at the fact that his sister was spanking him at bowling.  The Hubs had a small talk with him about sportsmanship, encouragement, and perseverance.  He suggested that The Little Man be a better sport when losing, and that sometimes encouraging the other person can bring back the fun into what is supposed to be "Just a game".  Especially since The Girl has pretty much decided that she hates playing games with her brother.

This was overheard not but fifteen minutes later:
P: That was a really good job, sister...really good... not the best...'cause I'm the best...but still good.
I just can't understand why she doesn't like to play Wii with her brother. Also, we may need a lesson in humility.

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