Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Water and Fire

Yesterday, we hit the pool.  What else can you do when it's been over 100 degrees for five days in a row?  I'm so thankful for the blessing of a neighborhood pool.   While we were there, some young twenty-somethings, hit up the diving board during "Adult Swim".  The kids had a blast sitting on the edge of the pool cheering the guys on in different kinds of dives.  Sometimes chanting "Cannon ball, cannon ball!", or "Do a flip, do a flip!"  I got a kick out of watching The Girl decide whether or not she should partake in the silliness.  I could tell she was having fun watching, but she was still undecided about participating in the chanting.  Every once in a while, she would let out a "Cannon ball!", and then quickly giggle as if she couldn't believe she had let loose like that.

I giggled too.
The Little Man is always silly.  He doesn't need to contemplate it for even one second.

After the "Big Boys" got off the diving board, The Little Man thought it might be fun to try to dive as well.  This is how he did it...feet first.   At least he got the hand position correct.

While we enjoyed ourselves at the pool, the rest of our state was burning up.  No, literally, we were on fire.  There are nine fires burning in Colorado, and this particular afternoon was especially devestating for people living in Colorado Springs.  The Waldo Canyon fire took off during a time of high winds and devoured everything in it's path.

Over 60 miles away, our town was engulfed in smoke, and the plume was very visible. 

Sad, devastating, horror, all these words don't quite cover it.

Please be praying for our state, the fire-fighters, the people who have lost homes and been displaced by evacuations, and for rain.  We need rain.

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